Hometown: Tokyo
Lives In: Salt Lake City
Genre: Retro Rock
Years Active: 2013 - Present
Ryan is a touring guitarist who has performed across 4 continents with over 100 singers. He won "Best Live Independent Artist" at ScorpiusFest, "Best Instrumental" at the UMAs, was the runner up for "Best Guitarist" on a Gigg.com competition sponsored by Elton John's guitarist and has over 35,000 social media followers. He's also an accomplished singer who sang on a show sponsored by The Voice.
"I've been checking out Ryan Rostrom's guitar tones. Pretty happening. Dig it. I like it."
-Eric Johnson (Grammy Award Winning Guitarist)
“Ryan has brilliantly fused together technical virtuosity and chocolaty rich tones into melodies that take you places that your heart and your ears have longed for. I would recommend seeing him live.”
-Ronda Nielsen (founder of R Jeans Entertainment)
"Ryan Rostrom to me is one of the top young guitarists I've heard in a long time. He's got a very unique, clean sound and I think he's got a very, very bright future."
-Bill Schoening (Radio Voice of the San Antonio Spurs)
"He's very organized, very disciplined, and a very fine musician."
-Debra Bonner (Vocal Coach to Grammy and Emmy Award Winners)
"Make sure you book him at your place and get him on your stage! He's got great music."
-Gaynor Brunson (TV producer)